Bust of a young girl
Bust of a young woman
Nude study
Standing Harlequin
The Amazon |
The Amazon, 3/4 |
The Beggar of Livorno |
The Cellist |
Brancusi |
Jean Alexandre |
Seated nude |
J. B. Alexandre with crucifix |
Mr. Kohler |
Pedro |
Young gypsy |
Female nude |
Female nude |
Standing nude in profile |
Bust of young woman |
Caryatid frontal view |
Head |
Head |
Head |
Head |
Head |
Head |
Head |
Woman in low-cut gown |
Woman head |
Caryatid frontal view |
Caryatid |
Caryatid |
Caryatid |
Caryatid with pointed breast |
Alexandre in front of a window |
Caryatid with vase |
Diego Rivera |
Frank Haviland |
Beatrice Hastings |
Head |
Juan Gris |
Madam Pompadour |
Pablo Picasso |
Max Jacob |
Pierrot |
Woman with velvet ribbon |
Bust of Paul Guillaume |
Nude |
Jacques and Berthe Lipchitz |
Jean Cocteau |
Léon Indenbaum |
Marguerite |
Moïse Kisling seated |
Paul Guillaume |
Paul Guillaume seated |
Anna Zborowski |
Leopold Zborowski |
Max Jacob |
Paul Guillaume "Novo Pilota" |
Seated servant / Zofe |
Max Jacob |
Anna Zborowska |
The Blue eyes |
L'Algérienne |
Nude |
Nude |
Nude |
Nude on a divan (Almaisa) |
Reclining nude on a white cushion |
Seated nude
Seated nude |
Standing blond nude |
The Italian woman |
Black Hair |
Boy in blue jacket |
Boy in short pants |
Dr. François Brabander |
Gaston Modot |
Head of Jeanne Hébuterne |
Jeanne Hébuterne seated |
La Belle Épicière |
Léopold Zborowski with a cane |
Marie (Marie fille du peuple) |
Baranowski |
Germaine Survage |
Young woman |
Artist Léopold Survage |
Standing nude (Elvira) |
The little peasant |
La belle Espagnole |
Young woman of the people |
The boy |
Cagnes Landscape |
Elvira resting at a table |
Hanza Zborowska seated |
Jeanne Hébuterne |
Rachel Osterlind |
Reclining nude |
Reclining nude, head on right arm |
Self-portrait |
Young girl with loose hair |
Mario the musician |
And this is all |