boy in blue leaned at a table by amedeo modigliani
Pfannstiel Lanthemann Ceroni J. Modigliani Parisot Patani Restellini Wayne
NO Nº 369 Nº 297 YES YES Nº 308 ? YES
Date 1919 ?
Title Boy in blue leaning on a table - The boy - Boy in blue jacket - Youth in blue jacket
Materials Oil on canvas
Size 92.1 x 60.3 cm (in tate ex. 92 x 63)
Signature: Signed "modigliani " top right and the text "Cagnes"
Actual Location IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, USA (Inv. Nº 46.22)
Provenance -?-
Leopold Zborowski, Paris
Sale: Drouot, Paris 22/February/1922 - Lot 66
M. Speiser Collection, New York /Philadephia

Sale: Parke Bernet, New York - Speiser Collection, January 1944 - Lot 45
Sold 1.900 USD

T. Schempp, New York
Julian Bobbs Collection, Philadelphia

John Herron Art Institute later will become IMA - Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, USA (Inv. Nº 46.22)
Donation by Mrs. Julian Bobbs - William Ray Adams Memorial Collection in 1946

In process



Dale, Modigliani, Knopf, New York, 1929 - nº 12
Pennsylvania Museum Bulletin, vol.29- nº 160, February, 1934, pp. 44-45
Art Association of Indianapolis, 105 Paintings in the John Herron Art Museum, Indiana 1951 - nº 7
Ponente, Modigliani, Ed. Toray, Barcelona, 1969 - nº 67
Lanthemann, Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: sa vie, son oeuvre, son art, G. Condal, Barcelona, 1970 - nº 369 - titled Boy in blue - dated 1919
Ceroni & Piccioni, Il dipinti di Modigliani, Rizzoli, Milano, 1970 - nº 297 - titled Boy in blue jacket leaning on a table - dated 1919
Ceroni & Cachin, Tout l'oeuvre peint de Modigliani, Paris, 1972 - nº 297 - titled Boy in blue jacket leaning on a table - dated 1919
Schmalenbach, Amedeo Modigliani, Prestel, Munich, 1990, p. 136 - nº 84 - dated 1918
Patani, Catalogo Generale, Leonardo, Milano, 1991-94 - nº 308 - titled Boy in a blue jacket leaning on a table - dated 1919
Parisot, Amedeo Modigliani, 1884-1920 : itinéraire anecdotique entre France et Italie, ACR edition, 1996, p. 156
Wayne, Modigliani & the Artists of Montparnasse, Abrams-Albright-knox gallery, New York, 2002, p. 114 - nº 37 - dated 1918-19
Fraquelli, Modigliani, Fort Worth and Paris, in Burlington Magazine, nº 145, 2003, pp. 254-255
Parisot, Modigliani la vita le opere, Carte Segrete / Musée du Montparnase, 2006 - nº 36
Fraquelli, Modigliani and His Models. Exh. cat., Royal Academy of Arts. London, 2006, p. 119 - nº 35
Soto Caba, Modigliani, The timeless face, Libsa, Madrid, 2007
Ireson, Fraquelli, Modigliani, London, Tate Modern, Skira Rizzoli, London, 2017, p. 160

In process

Exhibitions -?-

Philadelphia, Speiser Loan Collection, Pennsylvania Museum of Art, 1934 - nº 160
Bloomington, French Art, Indiana University, 1948 - nº 12
Cincinnati, In the Flat and Round, Cincinnati Modern Art Society, 1952
Forth Worth, Inaugural exhibition, Forth Worth Art Center1954 - nº 66
Cincinnati, Amedeo Modigliani: Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings, The Contemporary Arts Center, 1959 - nº 24
Chicago, Amedeo Modigliani: Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings, The Arts Club, 1959
Milwaukee, Amedeo Modigliani: Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings, Milwaukee Art Center, 1959
Atlanta, The Art of Amedeo Modigliani, Atlanta Art Association,  1960 - nº 24
Roma, Modigliani, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, 1959 - nº 144
Boston. Modigliani: Paintings and Drawings. Exh. cat., Museum of Fine Arts, 1961 - nº 32
Los Angeles. Modigliani: Paintings and Drawings. Exh. cat., Los Angeles County Museum, 1961 - nº 32
New York, Amedeo Modigliani; loan exhibition, Acquavella Galleries, 1971 - nº 41 (dated 1918)
Paris, Modigliani, Musée de Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1981 - nº 82
Martigny, Modigliani, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1990 - nº 103
Düsseldorf, Amedeo Modigliani: Malerei, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1991 - nº 81
Zurich, Amedeo Modigliani: Malerei, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Kunsthaus, 1991 - nº 81
Buffalo NY, Modigliani and the artists of Montparnasse, Albright-Knox Gallery, 2002-2003 - nº 37
Fort Worth, Modigliani and the artists of Montparnasse, Kimbell art Museum, 2003 - nº 37
London, Modigliani and his models, Royal Academy of Arts, 2006 - nº 35
Moscow, Meeting Modigliani, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, 2007
London, Modigliani, Tate Modern, 2017-2018

In process

Nº 163 in D'Atri papers as Portrait d'Enfant - dated 1916 - Speiser Collection 1929


This painting presents holes in the 4 corners - 2 covered


The painting presents clear fingerprints in 2 of the borders of the canvas (in fresh oil)


Signature of the painting:



Detail of the ears where the drawing is clearly visible and is painted in color



The painting changes after cleaning, the greens turned out to be blue once the yellow oxidated layer was retired.

The painting changes after cleaning, the blues turned out to be green ( emeral cadmium green) onde the yellow oxidated layer was retired.


Details of the brushwork using small dabs in a very Macchiaioli style.

Details of the brushwork using small dabs in a very macchiaioli style. Details of the brushwork using small dabs in a very macchiaioli style.


Text visible in the pocket, probably the name of the hotel or restaurant ?

Regular light image:

text in the pocket

Basic IR (little penetration capacity) image:

Text visible in the pocket, probably the name of the hotel or restaurant or what?


The painting framed at the IMA in 2017:



The same sitter can be seen in another painting dated by experts in 1918:

Boy in blue vest amedeo modigliani


Another sitters in the same position

Peasant boy, elbow at the table amedeo modigliani - elvira seated amedeo modigliani -

  This page is a work on progress, nothing in this page should be considered as final or definitive.