Pedro the typographer amedeo modigliani
Pfannstiel Lanthemann Ceroni J. Modigliani Parisot Patani Restellini Wayne
NO Nº 30 Nº 17 YES 5/1909 Nº 23 YES YES
Date 1909
Title Pedro the typographer - Pierre le typographe - Portrait of a man - Pedro the printer
Materials Oil on Canvas
Size 54.9 x 46.3 cm (Ceroni: 55 x 46 - Parisot: 52.3 x 46 - Patani: 52.3 x 46.3 - 1958 exh. and Soumaya museum: 55 x 46.5 )
Signature: Signed "Modigliani " - upper right
Actual Location Museo Soumaya, Mexico
  • -?-

    Leopold Zborowski, Paris
    Galerie Barreiro, Paris
    Edouard Herriot (1942)
    Thürlimann Collection, Zürich (located there in 1958)
    ( Ceroni- Dedhamm USA as owner ?)
    Homburger Collection, Dedham, Mass. (1957)
    ( Lent to John and Mable Ringling Museum of art, Sarasota, Florida)

    Sold Christie's NY / 6 Nov. 2002 - Sale 1147
    Lot 13- Estimate 500-700.000 USD
    Price Realizes 471.500 USD

    Carlos Slim Collection, Mexico
    On loan to Soumaya Museum Mexico city

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    Paris, Galerie Charpentier, Cent tableaux de Modigliani, 1958,page 27

    Modigliani J. , Modigliani: Man and Myth, Orion Press, New York, 1958, pl. 20 (dated 1908-1909 and located in Zürich, P.C. 1958)
    Modigliani J. , Modigliani senza leggenda, Vallecchi Editore, Firenze, 1958, pl. 20
    Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 1961, p. 30
    Las Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles 1961, p. 30
    Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh , 1963, nº 3
    Tate Gallery, London, 1963, nº 3
    Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani : dessins et sculptures ; avec suite du catalogue illustre des peintures, Edizioni del Milione, Milano, 1965 - nº 159
    Diehl, Modigliani, Ed. Flamarion, Paris, 1969, p. 17
    Ponente, Modigliani, Ed. Toray, Barcelona, 1969 - nº 1
    Lanthemann, Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: sa vie, son oeuvre, son art, G. Condal, Barcelona, 1970 - nº 30
    Ceroni & Piccioni, Il dipinti di Modigliani, Rizzoli, Milano, 1970 - nº 17
    Hall, Modigliani, Phaidon, Oxford, 1979, pl. 1
    Catalogue Musée d ’Art Moderne de Paris, 1981, p. 102
    Hall, Modigliani, Oxford, 1984, nº 2.
    C. Roy, Beaux livres, Ed. Nathan, 1985, p. 20
    Castieau-Barrielle, La vie et l'oeuvre de Amedeo Modigliani, Editions ACR Paris, 1987
    Diehl, Modigliani, Crown Publishers, New York, 1989, p. 17
    Parisot, Catalogue Raisonee Modigliani, Graphis Arte, 1991 - nº 5/1909
    Patani, Catalogo Generale, Leonardo, Milano, 1991-94 - nº 23
    Soto Caba, Modigliani, the timeless face, Libsa, 2007
    Ireson, Fraquelli, Modigliani, London, Tate Modern, Skira Rizzoli, London, 2017, pp. 38

    In process

  • -?-

    Paris, Gallerie Charpentier, Cent Tableaux de Modigliani, 1958 - nº 4
    Marseille, Musée Cantini, 1958 - nº 2
    Maine, Orobo, University of Maine, the Freddy and Regina T. Homburger Coll., 1962 nº 16
    Northhampton, Smith College museum of art, the Freddy and Regina T. Homburger Coll., 1964 - nº 14
    Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Modigliani paintings and drawings, 1969, p. 30 - nº 1
    Las Angeles, Los Angeles County Museum, Modigliani paintings and drawings, 1961, p. 30 - nº 1
    Edinburgh, Royal Scottish Academy, Modigliani, 1963 - nº 3
    London, Tate Gallery, Modigliani, 1963 - nº 3
    Cambridge, Harvard University, Fogg art museum, 1971 - nº 26
    New York, Amedeo Modigliani; loan exhibition, Acquavella Galleries, 1971 - nº 1
    Augusta, Maine State Museum, Freddy and Regina T. Homburger Art Collection - nº 26
    Sarasota, Florida, Ringling Museum of Art; A Collector's World: Art of Four Continents, 1978- 1979 - nº 6
    Melbourne, Florida, Brevard Museum of Art & Science, A Collector's World: Art of Four Continents, 1978- 1979 - nº 6
    Daytona Beach, The Museum of Arts and Sciences, a Collector's World: Art of Four Continents, 1978- 1979 - nº 6
    Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Amedeo Modigliani, 1981 - nº 4
    Maine, Portland Museum of Art, November 1991-June 2002
    London, Modigliani, Tate Modern, 2017-2018
    Mexico city, Museo Soumaya

    In process


Not in D' Atri files?





Detail of the ear where the drawing is clearly visible and is painted over the color (on top of the color)



Dr. Phyllis Hattis Rubin informs that underneath Pedro there is an early version of the Amazon painting visible in X-ray

Framed at Soumaya museum:
pedro the typographer framed at soumaya museum


Pedro in location at Soumaya museum Mexico city:

Pedro in location at Soumaya museum Mexico city

The painting previously to cleaning:

Pedro the typographer amedeo modigliani

  This page is a work on progress, nothing in this page should be considered as final or definitive.