BACKGROUND IN MOdigliani paintings


back to complete paintings indexwooden walls in the background of amedeo modiglianiabstract backgrounds in amedeo modiglianicolor lines in amedeo modigliani backgroundsfurniture in amedeo modiglianichairs in amedeo modiglianioutdoors backgrounds in amedeo modiglianifirst works backgroundback to the index of backrounds in modigliani paintings


Modigliani did just a few, he was not really interested, but some of them are really great
I add the Blue eyes boy just because is the only example of flowers in Modigliani.

All the works presented in this page are my selection, on this page I take out by my own will the works I don't like
not because I think they are fakes or original, just because I donĀ“t like them.

REPEAT: I do not say none of this are fakes or original, I just present them as I like.
If you have anything to add, contact me.
cariatide amedeo modigliani Woman with velvet lace  amedeo modigliani blue eyes boy seated
Standing nude in a garden
Woman with velvet lace
Blue eyes boy seated
The beautiful vendor amedeo modigliani Bust of Hanka with tree on back amedeo modigliani Girl seated, hands in her lap amedeo modigliani
The beautiful vendor
Bust of Hanka with tree on back
Girl seated, hands in her lap

back to complete paintings indexwooden walls in the background of amedeo modiglianiabstract backgrounds in amedeo modiglianicolor lines in amedeo modigliani backgroundsfurniture in amedeo modiglianichairs in amedeo modiglianioutdoors backgrounds in amedeo modiglianifirst works backgroundback to the index of backrounds in modigliani paintings