standing nude arms crossed by amedeo modigliani
Pfannstiel Lanthemann Ceroni J. Modigliani Parisot Patani Restellini Wayne
Nº23 - 24 Nº488-489 Nº32-33 - 2/1911-3/1911 Nº 36-37 ? ?
Date 1911-12 ?
Title Cariatide - Nu - Standing nude arms open - Standing nude arms crossed - Nu debout les bras ouverts - Nu debout les bras croisés - Standing nude arms half open - Standing nude arms half crossed
Materials Oil on Cardboard (Ceroni, Parisot : oil on paper)
Size 121.9 x 40.64 cm (Ceroni- Parisot: 120 x 40)
Signature: Unsigned
Actual Location Private Collection

  • Paul Alexandre Coll. Paris
    Private Collection (Acquired to Alexandre coll. in 1962)

  • Sale: Sotheby's, New York, German and Austrian art, Impressionist & modern art evening sale, 8/Feb/2005, Sale: LO5002 - Lot 38 (both)
    Estimate: 800.000 - 1.200.000 GBP Sold: 2.696.000 GBP

  • In process

  • -?-

    Pfannstiel, "catalogue presume" Modigliani. L'Art et la Vie. Preface de Louis Latourrettes, Seheur, Paris, 1929, p. 5
    Pfannstiel, Modigliani et son oeuvre, etude critique et catalogue raisonne, bibliotheque des arts, Paris, 1956 - nº 23 - 24
    Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani: Peintre; Suivi des Souvenirs de Lunia Czechowska, Edizioni del Milione, 1958 - nº 24 - 25
    Lanthemann, Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: sa vie, son oeuvre, son art, G. Condal, Barcelona, 1970 - nº 488 - 489
    Ceroni & Piccioni, Il dipinti di Modigliani, Rizzoli, Milano, 1970 - nº 32 - 33
    Patani, Catalogo Generale, Leonardo, Milano, 1991-94 - nº 36 - 37
    Parisot, Catalogue Raisonee Modigliani, Graphis Arte, 1991 - nº 2/1911 - 3/1911
    Soto Caba, Modigliani, the timeless face, Libsa, 2007

    In process

Exhibitions -?-

In process

Other - Both paintings have been sold & published always together as a unit, no verso/recto information on auction sales, both paintings must be in the same frame?
  This page is a work on progress, nothing in this page should be considered as final or definitive.