lying nude by amedeo modigliani
Pfannstiel Lanthemann Ceroni J. Modigliani Parisot Patani Restellini Wayne
Nº 326 Nº 380 Nº 325 YES 4/1919 Nº 337 YES ?
Date 1919 ?
Title Lying nude - nude - Jeanne Hébuterne nude? - Lying nude with right arm under the head - Lying Blond nude - Reclining nude, head resting on right arm
Materials oil on canvas
Size 116 x 76 cm (Pfannstiel, Ceroni, Patani: 116 x 73)
Signature: Signed "modigliani" top left
Actual Location Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma, Italia ( Inv. Nº 5162)
Provenance -?-

Paul Guillaume, Paris (by 1929)?
Belien Collection, Brussels
Bührle Collection, Zurich (in 1955)
Private Collection, Nantes?
Marlborough Gallery, London (1962)
Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Roma, Italia ( Inv. Nº 5162)

In process

Bibliography -?-

Salmon, Modigliani, sa vie et son oeuvre, Ed. des Quatres Chemins, Paris, 1926, pl. 36
Scheiwiller, Arte Moderna Italiana nº 8 Amedeo Modigliani, U. Hoepli Ed. Milano, 1927
Pfannstiel, "catalogue presume" Modigliani. L'Art et la Vie. Preface de Louis Latourrettes, Seheur, Paris, 1929, pl. 122, p. 51
San Lazzaro, Modigliani peintures, Les Éditions du Chêne, Paris, 1953, p.8
Pfannstiel, Modigliani et son oeuvre, etude critique et catalogue raisonne, bibliotheque des arts, Paris, 1956 - nº 326 - dated 1919 - titled "Lying nude" - with the mention "painting with no signature" - wrong size 116 x 73 cm
Ponente, Modigliani, Ed. Toray, Barcelona, 1969 - nº 77
Lanthemann, Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: sa vie, son oeuvre, son art, G. Condal, Barcelona, 1970 - nº 380 - titled "Lying Blond nude" - with the mention " signed top left" - mention to the unfinished condition
Ceroni & Piccioni, Il dipinti di Modigliani, Rizzoli, Milano, 1970 - nº 325 - dated 1919 - titled "Lying nude with right arm under the head" - with the mention " signed top left" - wrong size 116 x 73 cm
Ceroni & Cachin, Tout l'oeuvre peint de Modigliani, Paris, 1972 - nº 325 - dated 1919 - titled "Lying nude with right arm under the head" - with the mention " signed top left" - wrong size 116 x 73 cm
Castieau-Barrielle, La vie et l'oeuvre de Amedeo Modigliani, Editions ACR, Paris, 1987, p. 204
Cortenova, 1988, p. 40
Mondadori, Modigliani a Montparnasse, Mondadori, Milano, 1988, p. 46
Parisot, Modigliani, Graphis Arte, 1988, p. 192
Angela Ceroni, Les nus, Biblioteque des Arts, Paris, 1989, p. 95
Parisot, Modigliani, il segno, Electa, Florence, 1990, p. 192
Patani, Catalogo Generale, Leonardo, Milano, 1991-94 - nº 337 - dated 1919 - titled "Nudo coricato / Lying nude" - - wrong size 116 x 73 cm
Parisot, Catalogue Raisonee Modigliani, Graphis Arte, 1991 - nº 4/1919 - titled "Lying nude with right arm under the head" - with the mention " signed top left" - wrong size 116 x 73 cm
Parisot, Modigliani, Pierre Terrail, Paris, 1992, p. 148 (dated 1918)
Kruszynski. Amedeo Modigliani: Portraits and Nudes. Munich, 1996, p. 9
Decrooq-Restellini, L'Ange au visage grave, Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, 2002, mention to the painting in p. 69
Klein, Modigliani: Beyond the Myth, The Jewish Museum, 2004-2005, p. 58
Parisot, Modigliani la vita le opere, Carte Segrete / Musée du Montparnase, 2006, pp. 40-41
Soto Caba, Modigliani, The timeless face, Libsa, Madrid, 2007

In process

Exhibitions -?-

Brussels, Italian Contemporary art. Palais des beaux-arts, 1950 - nº 73
Brussels, 25th Anivversary, Palais des beaux-arts, 1953 - nº 35
Bern, Modigliani Campigli Sironi, Kunsthalle Bern, 1955 - nº 25 ( Then at Bührle Collection)
The Hague, Dienst voor schone Kunst, Gemeen Temuseum, 1957
Barcelona, Modigliani, Centro Cultural de la Caixa de pensiones,Curated by Christian Parisot, 1983 - nº 33
Madrid, Modigliani, Sala de exposiciones la caja de pensiones, Curated by Christian Parisot, 1983 - nº 33
Tokyo, Modigliani exhibition, National Museum, 1985 - nº 123
Nagoya, Modigliani exhibition, Aichi Prefectural Art Gallery, 1985 - nº 123
Verona, Modigliani a Montparnasse, Palazzo Forti, 1988, p. 46
Martigny, Modigliani, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, 1990 - nº 119 - dated in 1918
Madrid, Modigliani y su tiempo, Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza, 2008 (first time with correct size 76 x 116 cm)
Torino, Modigliani e la Bohème di Parigi, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, 2015

In process

In D'Atri papers as nº 249 as unsigned - wrong size 73 x 116 - dated 1919 - provenance in Guillaume 1929


Probably an unfinished painting


Detail of signature (pencil?):



The painting framed at the National Gallery in Rome:


The 3 versions of the same painting:

3 versions

  This page is a work on progress, nothing in this page should be considered as final or definitive.