Date | 1917-1918-1919? | ||||||||||||||||
Title | Woman with blue eyes - Avant Ohara | ||||||||||||||||
Materials | Oil on canvas ? | ||||||||||||||||
Size | 81 x 54 cm | ||||||||||||||||
Signature: | Signed "modigliani" top right | ||||||||||||||||
Actual Location | Musée D'Art Moderne de la ville de Paris, France ( Inv. Nº AMVP 1681) | ||||||||||||||||
Provenance | -?- ? Maurice Girardin Musée D'Art Moderne de la ville de Paris ( Inv. Nº AMVP 1681 - AMP 1681) Legacy of Maurice Girardin in 1953 In process |
Bibliography | -?- Dorival, Les peintres du vingtième siècle, Pierre Tisnl, Paris, 1957, p. 47 Lanthemann, Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: sa vie, son oeuvre, son art, G. Condal, Barcelona, 1970 - nº 218 (dated 1917) Musée de Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Modigliani exib. cat., 1981, pp. 40, 168 - nº 98 (dated 1918) Parisot, Modigliani, il segno, Electa, Florence, 1990, p. 153 Parisot, Catalogue Raisonee Modigliani, Graphis Arte, 1991 Patani, Catalogo Generale, Leonardo, Milano, 1991-94 - nº 224 (dated 1917) Parisot, Modigliani, Pierre Terrail, Paris, 1992, p. 93 (dated 1917) Decrooq-Restellini, L'Ange au visage grave, Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, 2002 - nº 97, pp. 376-377 (dated 1919) In process |
Exhibitions | -?- Paris, Musée de Petit Palais, 1953-1960 Paris, Collection Maurice Girardin, Petit Palais, 1954 - nº 257 Metz- Nancy, 1958 - nº 38 Marseille, Modigliani, Musée Cantini, 1958 - nº 33 Roma, Modigliani, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, 1959 - nº 37 Paris, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1960- Today Tokyo, 1961-62 - nº 316 Duisburg, 1965 - nº 431 Montrouge, 1966 Montreal, 1967 - nº 29 Tours, 1970 Tel Aviv, 1971 Paris-Ixelles, 1979, nº 140 Paris, Modigliani, Musée de Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1981 - nº 98 Barcelona, Modigliani, Centro Cultural de la Caixa de pensiones,Curated by Christian Parisot, 1983 - nº 24 Madrid, Modigliani, Sala de exposiciones la caja de pensiones, Curated by Christian Parisot, 1983 - nº 24 Tokyo, Modigliani exhibition, National Museum, 1985 - nº 108 Nagoya, Modigliani exhibition, Aichi Prefectural Art Gallery, 1985 - nº 108 São Paulo, un choix de Picasso à Soulages, MASP - Museu de Arte Moderna de Sao Paulo, 1998 Paris, Modigliani: l'ange au visage grave, Musée du Luxembourg, 2002 - nº 97 Bochum, Le droit à l'image.Perspectives juives dans l'art moderne, Kunstmuseum Bochum, 2003-2004 Jackson, Paris Moderne: Art Deco Furniture and Paintings from the Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Mississippi Museum of Art, 2004 Miami, Paris Moderne: Art Deco Furniture and Paintings from the Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris, , Bass Museum of Art, 2004- 2005 Nagoya, La vie moderne. Paris 1925-1937, Matsuzakaya Museum of Art, 2005 Toyama,La vie moderne. Paris 1925-1937, Museum of Modern Art, 2005 Osaka, La vie moderne. Paris 1925-1937, Daimaru Museum Umeda, 2005 Taïpei, La vie moderne. Paris 1925-1937, Taïpei Fine Arts Museum, 2005- 2006 Kobe , Entre Primitivisme et Nostalgie - Quelques artistes de l'Ecole de Paris, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, 2006 Okazaki, Entre Primitivisme et Nostalgie - Quelques artistes de l'Ecole de Paris, Okazaki City Museum, 2006 Kumamoto, Entre Primitivisme et Nostalgie - Quelques artistes de l'Ecole de Paris, Kumamoto Prefectural Museum of Art, 2006 Torino, Modigliani e la Bohème di Parigi, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, 2015 In process |
Other | Not in D' Atri papers? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text in page 40 of the Paris, Modigliani, Musée de Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1981, the first serious Modigliani study using modern techniques made by Dr. Suzy Delbourgo & Dr. Lola Faillant-Dumas under the III.- Modigliani et l/analyse scientifique by Madeleine Hours L' Etude au Laboratoire de Recherche des Musées de France, pp. 21-47 ..nous rapprocherons de ce portrait celui de la Femme aux yeux bleus (n° 98), bien que nous devions constater que nous ne retrouvons dans cette oeuvre que peu des caractéristiques habituelles de Modigliani. Si les empâtements qui forment le visage, le cou et les mains sont brossés d'une écriture nerveuse qui rappelle celle du peintre. le tracé original qui d'ordinaire cerne magis-tralement les volumes est presqu'inexistant. Translation: ...We will compare this portrait of the Woman with blue eyes (n ° 98), although we have to note that we find in this work only few of the usual characteristics of Modigliani. If the impasto that forms the face, the neck and the hands are brushed with a nervous writing that recalls that of the painter. the original layout, which usually encircles magistrate volumes, is almost non-existent. --------------------------------- This supposes a conclusion, the authors of the study soften the answer and elegantly say that "remember" when the reality is that they should say "imitates" what I will come to assume that it is a fake. The pressures to which the two investigators who carried out the study were subjected were quite strong, leaving the museum of the town of Paris without any of the three Modigliani that they owned. So they decided to leave for later the final conclusions in the case of this piece, we assume that in the current study underway they will have enough value to leave reality rise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detail of signature in visible normal light: ![]() In negative: ![]() In infrared: ![]() ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The face that this painting presents are extremely anomalous within the work of Modigliani, in a first impression one might think that there are many of his pictorial tricks, but analyzing them carefully one can see that they are all out of place and definitely in a way that is not present in no other painting by Modigliani. ![]() 1. The continuous line of the eyebrows can be seen in many of his works but Modigliani usually adds a point of inflexion to the eyebrows in a way that accentuates the differences, in this case you do not see any clearly, but let's say that they could be correct. ![]() 2. The eyelids or the pattern that shapes them is normal in Modigliani but they are never both on the same side and identical, perhaps in the infrared yes, but never in the visual, completely abnormal eyelids within their work. ![]() Note: this image is turned 34 degrees to put the eye in the same line (in the original the head is turned to the right) 3. The color and the incarnation are visible in other works of Modigliani but never as in this, we see combined the famous Macchiaioli reminiscent points but not in the areas of edges, they are in the middle of the right eyelid, and in the end of the left eyelid . This is not seen in any of Modigliani's works. ![]() 3. The nose and its incarnation is also compromised compared to many other works of Modigliani, on the one hand we see shaded in dark and on the other hand line in black and on the tip weathered in color, this shading is done with a red or dark sienna while the small spots of the eyelid are with a clear sienna, you can not see anywhere in the nasal fins the use of color in flat brush stroke as you can see in the works of this same period, finally highlighting the configuration that although the filtrum seems to continue the line of the nose, in the works of Modigliani he likes to play using it also as a point of contrast, that in this case is not seen. It could be then that the work is not a production of 1918 and more of 1917, no. The lack of paint volume (I mean how much painting is used - the impasto-), the type of light painting is only done in the final two years, another anomaly to take into account. ![]() 4. In the neck the small spots are again observed to conform the volume but not only on the edges, throughout the construction, it is too little organized within the pictorial space of Modigliani. ![]() 5. In the hand we see again the stains in a totally disorganized way, combined with long brush stroke and out of place, not like in the rest of the works. t This hand has very little to do with other hands by Modigliani. ![]() 6. In the hair we see again the same effect is very Modigliani in general but disorganized and lacking in logic in particular. There are many of the classic hair elements of other paintings but performed in an unnatural way. ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The infrared of this painting again say that it is very Modigliani but is not like the rest of Modigliani. ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The painting framed at the Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris in 2017: ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also in the Maurice Girardin Legacy the Museum received the paintings Lunia Czechowska with fan (stolen and probably lost) and Femme aux boucles d'oreilles that was proven to be fake in the 1981 study. ![]() ![]() |
This page is a work on progress, nothing in this page should be considered as final or definitive. |