almaisa seated  by amedeo modigliani
Pfannstiel Lanthemann Ceroni J. Modigliani Parisot Patani Restellini Wayne
Nº 164 Nº 145 Nº 132 YES 24/1916 Nº 135 YES ?
Date 1916 ? (in many publications is dated in 1917)
Title Almaisa seated - Almaisa - Algerian woman
Materials Oil on canvas?
Size 92.5 x 53.5 cm (Parisot / Pfannstiel: 92 x 54
Signature: Signed "modigliani" bottom right and the text "ALMAÏSA" top right
Actual Location Private Collection?
Provenance -?-

L. Zborowski, Paris
Bernheim Jeune, Paris
Netter Collection, Paris (not in 1930, acquired in the next years - Netter property in 1933)
Private Coll. Switzerland (1966? or 1970?)
Nathan and Marion Smooke Collection, NY

Auction:Phillips de Pury & Luxembourg, New York, Smooke collection, 5th/Nov./ 2001, Lot 14
Estimate:$6,000,000 to $8,000,000 - Sold for $7,152,500 USD

Private Collection?

In process

Bibliography -?-

Schwarz, Modigliani, Paris, 1927, pl. 10
Pfannstiel, "catalogue presume" Modigliani. L'Art et la Vie. Preface de Louis Latourrettes, Seheur, Paris, 1929, p. 26 - nº 3
Ceroni, Amedeo Modigliani: Peintre; Suivi des Souvenirs de Lunia Czechowska, Edizioni del Milione, 1958 - nº 81
Gindertael, Shop libre diffusion, 1967, p. 59, pl. 33
Lanthemann, Modigliani, catalogue raisonné: sa vie, son oeuvre, son art, G. Condal, Barcelona, 1970 - nº 145
Ceroni & Piccioni, Il dipinti di Modigliani, Rizzoli, Milano, 1970 - nº 132
Hubbard, Modigliani and the painters of Montparnasse, Lamplight Publ. New York, 1975, pl. 33, p. 43
Zurcher, Modigliani, Ed. F. Hazan, Paris, 1980 - nº 25
Carluccio, Leymarie, Negri, Russoli, Brunhammer, École de Paris, Rive Gauche, Paris, 1981, p. 216
Castieau-Barrielle, Modigliani, ACR Editions, Paris, 1987, p. 137
Parisot, Catalogue Raisonee Modigliani, Graphis Arte, 1991 nº 24/1916
Patani, Catalogo Generale, Leonardo, Milano, 1991-94 - nº 135
Soto Caba, Modigliani, The timeless face, Libsa, Madrid, 2007

In process

Exhibitions -?-

Venezia, Mostra retrospettiva di Modigliani – Curated by Lionello Venturi - Biennale di Venezia , Sala XII degli Appels d'Italie, 1930 - nº 17 (no mention to property of the Netter Coll.)
Brussels, Modigliani: Retrospective Exhibition. Palais des beaux-arts, 1933 - nº 34 (property of Netter Coll.)
Basel, Amedeo Modigliani, Kunsthalle, 1934 - nº 26
New York, Amedeo Modigliani; loan exhibition, Acquavella Galleries, Inc. 1971 - nº 30 (lent Anonymously and dated in 1917)

In process

Nº 34 in D´Atri papers - located in Netter collection in 1933 and dated 1917

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This work presents holes in the 4 corners


signature almaisa

The text Almaïsa:


Detail of the ears where the drawing is clearly visible and is painted in color



The painting at the Venice Bienale in 1930:


  This page is a work on progress, nothing in this page should be considered as final or definitive.