Giovanni Scheiwiller


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      • - The typical Italian connoisseur, is first publication on Modigliani saw the light in 1927 so he is one of the main names in matter of discoveries.
        Some of his proposals are totally logic today and some others are quite lost.
        He was an editor first for others (U. Hoepli editore)and later he had his own company mainly in art with a collection that gave light to many almost unknown works
        under the name: Arte Moderna Italiana .

        Here are some of his discoveries.

      Actually his opinion is perfect to fill the notes & records for the auction houses.
      But only when it also have the Ceroni name in the list...

      If a Modigliani painting only bears the opinion by Scheiwiller, it will never hit the floor of the main auction houses
      Not even in tally.
      Definitively not a reliable source for cataloging.

    Woman seated in front of door amedeo modigliani Soutine seated amedeo modigliani Woman with necklace amedeo modigliani Head of Brunette or la Chocolatier amedeo modigliani
    Seated Nude with Folded Hands amedeo modigliani The Pretty Housewife (La Jolie ménagère) amedeo modigliani Seated nude amedeo modigliani chocolatieramedeo modigliani
    Blond girl seated amedeo modigliani Huguette amedeo modigliani Bust of Hanka with tree on back amedeo modigliani Woman amedeo modigliani
    and many more others...


back to complete paintings index wooden walls in the background of amedeo modiglianiabstract backgrounds in amedeo modiglianicolor lines in amedeo modigliani backgroundsfurniture in amedeo modiglianichairs in amedeo modiglianioutdoors backgrounds in amedeo modiglianifirst works backgroundback to the index of backrounds in modigliani paintings